hangtime said:Did you have a fire in there :biggrin:
douglee25 said:What died in that engine compartment?
sflsurfrider said:pickzs
Royal Flush said:Looking Good, Charlie!!!
That TDR is going to be one noisy sumbitch. :bigeyes:
hangtime said:if that pole was stock I'd swear it was my ski .
looks nice man ,what's with the bilges going into the tray area ?I don't get why you would put it there .
I'm sure there has to be a good reason :wink:
sflsurfrider said:actually, that tdr is what i was running in my square. its not too bad.
they have two models:
kinda noisy & noisy sumbitch.
mines only kinda noisy. :biggrin:
hood should be done tomorrow or friday. as soon as its done, the hooks and locks are going on then it goes to paul at exotic signs..
just got my cylinders bored for some new pistons today:arms:
i can be in the water this weekend but i think ill wait till after the graphics. thatll give me a week to re-assemble abd install the engine instead of a day or 2.
sflsurfrider said:actually, that tdr is what i was running in my square. its not too bad.
they have two models:
kinda noisy & noisy sumbitch.
mines only kinda noisy. :biggrin:
sflsurfrider said:i would never put a pwctoday sticker on anything i own.
the bilge outlets are 45's, so they point overboard. most people put them in the holes that the choke and fuel valve were on the "dash".
hangtime said:Ahhh ,at a 45 and use the existing holes I got ya .:cool2:
Must look cool when you turn em on like that
Your banned from having those stickers on your boat is what you mean :wink:
I always wanted to get rid of the fuel valve ,what do you do with that ??
Royal Flush said:AAaahhhhhh, that explains it---mine was the noisy sumbitch model. :cool2:
waterfreak said:Slacker!!!!! get that bitch done and in the water this weekend!
njfl said:Charlie, consider getting the Tee welded to the waterbox to make it clean and minimize chance of leaking. You have that welder guy right around the corner. Take the B headpipe when you go too already :aargh4:
sflsurfrider said:exactly. yours had, what they refer to as, NO BAFFLES.:cool2:
butti said:and now idok runs that very waterbox in his ski FRONT EXAUST ONLY:bandit: