More '09W.R. pics


Go big or go home
Oh and to whoever picked me up when dave locked my keys in the car. I walked all the way down the landing to the store, saw some superjets in the back of a pickup and just knew they would be headin back to camp. Thanks for the ride!

That was us that picked you up!! THought you looked a bit out of place walkin down the road wearin a wet suit and life jacket! Glad we could help you out, can't believe that when we got back they were tryin to get into your car with a coat hanger!
So I was saposed to leave at 10 am sharp sunday when I got off work and my friends were sapoesed to drive up from Chicago and meet me were I live around 9ish. Well of course they didnt get here till about 1 and we didnt get out on the road till about 2. On the road and we see a couple trailer with skis on the back going to other way. Well long story short we get about half way there and a diff buddy who was there all weekend calls and said everyone left and it was just him and 3 other skis.

So we turned around and drove back.

Man was I pissed at my buddies who didnt make it up by were i live on time. I have been diein to go to a free ride. Maybe I can make it to the hot hole next month.


naturally warming water
To the guy with the blown up super jet that the MOB pulled back to the launch . Did you figger out what happend ?

unfortunately, yes.

BTW, thanks VERY much for the tow. Its a PITA to do it but I appreciate it.

Turns out that the rear connecting rod bearing (at the crank) let loose. just about every roller in that sucker got spit out through the oil bleeds on the rod and consequently sent all those chunks up into the cylinder and out the exhaust.

scored up the cyl, completely trashed the piston and head (no domes on head either, doh!).

so i've got a new crank, pistons, cyl sent out for boring and porting, and a new head on the way.

amazing how a $10 bearing can cause $1200 in damage.
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