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  1. R.Rivers

    buckle on cover hard to close

    '09, Replaced original buckle with billet alum (kawi green) but is very hard to snap down. Seems limited on any adjustments. Weather is nice in Houston and soon to get out..
  2. R.Rivers

    cover buckle hard to close

    '09 - Changed the factory buckle on Hood with a machined billet alum. But is super tight now to snap shut. Any suggestions? Doesn't. Seem to have any adjustment. Tks.
  3. R.Rivers

    Sxr 800 Questions

    Replace the cheap cast alumni. Buckle with billit alum. My first new machine flooded when buckle broke. -not fun. I should put straps.
  4. R.Rivers

    What oil do you guys run in your Sxr?

    Royal Purple racing 2-cyl, same ratio per Kawi spec.
  5. R.Rivers

    Battery voltage?!

    A BatteryTender should be left on all the time, they cost more but are worth every penny. It floats and keeps a level where a trickle charge is constant.
  6. R.Rivers

    Battery voltage?!

    BatteryTender I use brand, BatteryTender on my batteries. You can get them in a water proof version also. Quick connect plugs work out great so when you park your trailer just plug it in and keep your batteries fresh all the time. I never let my machines without BatteryTender plugged in.
  7. R.Rivers

    two question

    Cut them off. I cut mine off last weekend.
  8. R.Rivers

    two question

    I cut my old grips off my '09 SXR and there is a small flange at the end of each handle. I bought Lizardskin grips at Sun&Ski but was not easy getting them over the flange on the end. You guys forgot to mention the flange.. In the future, should I grind off the flanges? tks.
  9. R.Rivers

    Hour Meter, brand?

    Does anyone have a suggestion on what hour meter to get. I got an '09 and my old hour meter with tach never worked right. [Can't remember which manuf it was.] I don't need the dual hr/tach, only hour. tks.
  10. R.Rivers

    Will check it out., Can't make it there this year though. MI is great in the summer. rpr

    Will check it out., Can't make it there this year though. MI is great in the summer. rpr
  11. R.Rivers

    What part of MI? I am hauling both my skis to Upper MI to my camp in Gwinn in July for two...

    What part of MI? I am hauling both my skis to Upper MI to my camp in Gwinn in July for two weeks. Will have my '07 800sxr and can't wait to get on the water. Lived in Ludington a little while as a kid but then moved to Negaunee. Went to school at Michigan Tech in Houghton. Now in Houston...
  12. R.Rivers

    SXR Top Speed

    50mph max speed, stock '07-800SXR, On a smooth river with two other friends., [based on their speedometers - no gps]
  13. R.Rivers

    800SXR, re-fueling without trailer

    The folding aluminum stand looks like a good option. I ended up buying 3" PVC fittings and 10' of pipe to make one from a previous suggestion to try a beach stand. [not as handy as a folding one] -Give me some time to see if I like the PVC. I am hauling my jet skis to Upper Michigan for two...
  14. R.Rivers

    800SXR, re-fueling without trailer

    Does anyone have an idea or photo of what you use when putting fuel in your machine without putting it back on the trailer. One area where I launch in Canyon Lake [TX] shore is rocky and I don't want to put fuel in while bobbing in the water. I was thinking of a 2x4 padded rail support of some...
  15. R.Rivers

    Service Manual for '07 800SXR, best place to get one?

    I downloaded the service manual, For a machine like this, likely I will need it. thanks.
  16. R.Rivers

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro 650sx - draw on the battery when off?

    install a Battery Tender Buy a battery charger from, Battery Tender. Look it up on the internet and don't convince yourself to buy a cheapy.. Hook up the jumper pigtail direct to your batter terminal and just plug it in when you park the machine. Battery Tender will float the battery properly...
  17. R.Rivers

    Service Manual for '07 800SXR, best place to get one?

    Where's the best place to get a Kawasaki service manual for an '07 - 800SXR? On the internet I only saw models up to 2005 [I assume it could be the same?].
  18. R.Rivers

    price on 07 sxr

    Last August, I paid $6,400 [out the door including taxes] for a new 2007 800SXR. Great machine.
  19. R.Rivers

    eng hard to start when hot

    I have a gauge and will check the compression. Waranty will be out this August. It got wrecked and flooded last October and only recently got it out of the shop. This hard to start has been like this since brand new last Aug. thks.
  20. R.Rivers

    eng hard to start when hot

    '07 800SXR, hard to start after it has been in use for some time. Need to hold the start button in and give gas to make it start. It would never start if you didn't give it throttle at the same time. When it is cold with the choke on, I also need to give it gas to make it start. -Still under...
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