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  • Stev0we, check out the gallery. 'nuther bambi, one of four so far this season with my bow. This weekend I drag out the rifle, heading up North of Amarillo, should be fun.
    you & the san antonio crew should come ski with us at trails end this saturday. i believe skinnyman's coming.
    Yeah, what can I say? Guess I probably shouldn't make any comments about the shots of people hugging trees, huh?
    My ski has been down for ever, I am waiting for parts at the dealership to come in. Maybe able to ride 2 weekends from now. You been out at all? Do you need a stock prop? i am swapping mine out
    man you missed a killer day on medina lake, we went out to break in the superjet and it ran awesome for me, its even got a chewed up impeller, I am in trouble when I get me new impeller in there
    north part till my fianace gets here in june, we are hopeing to buy a house somewhere around bandera or babcock. I almost got the super ready just waiting on the last piece of the puzzle then I hope shes ready to go, also just finished footholds, can't wait to break it in, was thinking this weekend at medina to try it out, I hope to have another ski i am rebuilding done by then as well but waiting on parts right now
    hey I saw you on x-h20 I just moved to san antonio and have dreams about riding the surf, I got a couple standups (superjet is my fav) and a double trailer and would love to ride sometime down there or anywhere. my yahoo acct is hit me up some time when you get on. chris
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