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  • Hi Ross
    Trying to contact you i have a good friend here in Jakarta thats want to buy your old Ski can you please get back to me or Email Anton Directly
    at his number is +62816916433 , he is the seadoo dealer here

    cheers shane stratton

    Graha Iskandarsyah , 10th floor
    Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No.66c
    Kebayoran Baru , Jakarta Selatan
    12160 Indonesia
    lets ride man im ready i just need the attachement to flush my ski than im reay to de-viginize my 650 its never been in salt but thats were it should be .......when you riding next ??
    Hey there bud when we gonna ride? Dirt sicle season will be done soon so whats is it then? Angry D. Hint-(the guy who makes fun of my dog and kid) wants to surf ride tomorrow what do you think?
    hey ross really enjoyed the article you wrote on jetsking in jamaicia, not only are you a great rider but a good writer as well,any date yet for the world championship in sept me and wife are going to come from canada to cheer you on, and thanks for the bareskin at daytona, when you find the date could you please post it
    Hi Ross,
    Todd and I (Oregon Crew) are headed down south for a few days of hopefully warm, smooth's been a little ruff up here. We'd love to get together and ride with you and the o-side crew if you guys are around. We'll be down the first week in June.
    Take care,
    Kenlynn and Todd
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