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  • hey Zack-im hopin to go --probly me and E.J. will hit it---stay in touch bro--JFB
    Have fun Tomorrow, I'm out ! :17:
    Fricken SJ steering cable is a little different threads than my hiem joint so I have to buy SJ hiems or go with a octane cable.Thats what I get for trusting everything I read here on X :chairshot:
    So I got a starter drive from Jetskimechanic.com today.He said the trick next time instead of the rope trick do the nickel trick, by sticking a nickel in between the teeth of the flywheel and the starter drive, he said the nickel being a softer compound it won't hurt the teeth.
    I might get to ride sooner than I thought
    So far I'm good. I've heard you put the flywheel back on with an impact but others say not to :dunno:
    I still don't think I'll be riding this weekend, feels like next weekend might happen though.
    Working on it now, Watcon sent the studs I needed but not the bolts ya gotta be specific. I got the electrical box plugged in, stator mounted, need to mount flywheel, gonna need a new gasket for the cover, another thing to order. Gonna go work on tapping the drain holes and finishing that job.
    I ordered a steering cable from North County Yamaha, might be here by friday.
    Got my stuff today from Watcon but yep another week I would say, since I still need that starter gear that came apart on me.I never ordered a steering cable,changing it could wait if I had that gear,but I don't.
    Watcon is gone all week. I'll see if i can get the stuff local I'm sure it'll still need to be ordered.
    Sorry guess I should've had it runnin' before I contacted you.
    IDK,he said he would ship it today since he is leaving to Japan for the weekend so if it went out today maybe by thursday ?
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